Important Message
Message for Cumbey Fans

Constance asked me to post a message to her talk-radio fans. She is having some issues with her station and it doesn't look like her show will air tonight. In fact, the way it looks now it may be off the air for good.

I know this will come as a great disappointment to many. Constance's show has been on the air in the Detroit area every Friday night for the last 12 1/2 years.

For about a year now I've had the privilege of being a regular guest. During that time I was able to hear the callers and her other guests. I must say I was impressed. Constance has really been providing a service to her community in a fantastic way. And, she was doing it at her own expense, at about $3000.00 each month -- for 12 1/2 years!

What will she do without her talk show?  You got it -- a Website. And not only that, now she say's she'll have time to finish her book. In fact, she said for the first time in years she got on a roll writing last night.

So, all you Constance Cumbey fans don't be too disappointed. Remember, you can always contacted her at And it won't be long and this great lady will have her own Website and book. 

In other words, Constance will be right back.

Stay tuned!

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.