What Herb thinks
Cool Coup 2

History may say the Clinton Administration made it possible and the Bush Administration made it happened. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) fell under Europe's control. As a result, the world shifted to where there was no return.

When I'm tempted to think I'm over-reacting -- just reading things into things, only a few items are necessary. One is a book by the late biblical scholar, John Walvoord, Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis. The other is a quick review of recent events -- such as this one from NATO's Jamie Shea Read it here.

I find it both interesting and unsettling that my book, Recommendation 666, is listed second at Google for books about the European Union's (EU) first High Representative, Javier Solana. It's second to a book by former Supreme Allied Commander, Retired General Wesley Clark. It's interesting because my book is the only one on Google's list with a biblical perspective. It's unsettling because of the possible prophetic implications.

Chapter 10 of Recommendation 666 is titled, Solana's Cool Coup. I named it such because that's what I suspect I witnessed in July of 2000 -- a military coup over the EU's common foreign and security policy. This is when the Western European Union (WEU) became the official military arm of the EU.

At the same time, a new command structure was created within the EU's Council of Ministers -- the Political and Security Committee (PSC). And, according to WEU's infamous Assembly Recommendation 666, this is where the EU's High Representative was also to have his emergency powers. Nevertheless, who, other than those directly involved, would have guessed where this all was going?

So, let's take a look at what someone who knows -- NATO's Jamie Shea -- has to say:

Now, how is the EU doing as a security and defence actor? Well, the first thing is that the EU has put in place its own structures. It now has a political security committee with diplomats giving advice, taking decisions. It also has a military committee which is modelled largely on NATO's military committee and it has a military planning staff. It also has a strategy paper that was agreed at the most recent EU summit and was worked up by Javier Solana as the High Representative. Now, this is significant because this strategy paper for the first time commits the European Union to security tasks beyond its borders.

Besides having emergency powers and a new command structure, the EU will have a ready made military machine over which to command. Shea explains:

The second aspect of course is that we want to avoid duplication. We are not going to spend the budgets to have a NATO army and a completely separate European Union army, nor do we have any interest in duplicating in the EU things that already exist in NATO and which NATO is perfectly willing to make available to the European Union... if the EU wants to conduct its own operation, there will be - and I use the language here of the text - a presumption of availability that NATO's assets, things like AWACS, aircraft, headquarters, multinational formations such as the NATO response force, could be, would be available to be used by the EU. So no need to reinvent the wheel.

Leaving no doubts, Shea drives it home by saying:

And finally, that NATO's defence planning system, a very sophisticated system of planning future military needs and delivering the capabilities. That will be made available to the European Union so that the EU's own military requirements could be fed into that system and that therefore, we have a single set of forces, a set of forces which are trained and ready both in NATO operations or for EU operations but which are therefore trained to the same demanding levels of modern military operations. They're survivable, they're deployable, they're professional and they're well equipped.

Friends, in Recommendation 666 I may have documented what amounts to a 10-nation military coup over the EU's foreign and security policy. If so, according to Bible prophecy, these events may have been predicted. Now, according to Jamie Shea, we may have witnessed a second coup -- this time over NATO.

If so, once again, we shouldn't be surprised. In fact, we already know where this new balance of power may be going -- the Middle East and Israel. And, that's exactly what today's news appears to be indicating Read about it here  I  And here.

What are the implications for us -- God's people? This is what I think: Our time left on earth may be shorter than thought. Events we've been looking for may already be here. Any time now, things that we've been depending on could explode in our face. I, for one, want to be more serious about my walk and faith.

You may want to do the same.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.