What Herb thinks
Cool Score For A Cool Coup?

As I write, the big stories are about yesterday's long awaited report by chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix, and today's state of the union address by President George W. Bush.

However, Bible prophecy has taught me where to keep my eye's -- and its usually not always the big stories. In fact, the bigger the story is that occupies the media, the more attention I pay to what's going on in Europe and the Mediterranean.

Here's an example of a small story that could have big implications regarding prophecy. The EUobserver is reporting that the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, has just score major funding for his new army (Read about it here).

What's especially interesting to me about this story is, the funding isn't coming by way of the EU Commission, it's coming directly from certain unnamed governments. In other words, the EU Commission is being completely by-passed.

If you've been following my commentaries, you know I believe there may be something more going on behind the scenes in the EU than what's being reported. I suspect there may actually be an attempted by certain governments with-in the Council, perhaps members of Solana's 10-nations alliance, to take control of the new, super EU due in 2004.

Why do I think this way? Because, this is what I believe the prophecies tell us will happen -- the revival of the old Roman Empire in the end-days under the leadership of an alliance of 10-kings and/or nations. 

Here's my point: For Solana to score funding for his 10-nation military directly from certain governments -- by-passing the EU Commission -- this would be an important step if such a takeover of the EU was in the works. Now, according to this little report from the EUobserver, this has happened.

Qustion: Has Solana just made a cool score for a cool coup?

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.