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As I write, Javier Solana is preparing for his time as the EU's first, super Foreign Minister. We could say, he's getting all his ducks in a line Read about it here. If things go as planned, Solana's term will begin on January 1, 2007. Also as I write, the Catholic Church has begun the process of selecting their next pope Read about it here. If you've been following my commentaries, you know what I'm thinking. The stage may be set for the final events of prophecy. As the Bible predicted, we've seen the rise of a single leader over a revived Roman Empire. And, now we may be seeing the rise of a powerful new Christian religious figure on the world scene as well. If so, if ever there was a time for God's people to stay alert, the time is now. You see, we live in a day when we can counterfeit many things. We make a $19.95 watch look like a Rolex. We can make a $5.00 reproduction look like a masterpiece. But, we can't counterfeit time spent with Jesus. As an American, I often think about the food we eat. For the the most part, we buy it already prepared. It's not like in the days gone by when we had to kill our own chickens. Take coffee for example: We don't grind our own coffee beans anymore. Today our coffee is ready to put in our pots. In fact, if we're in a hurry, we can even buy instant coffee. That means, all we have to do is add hot water. And, we don't even have to boil our water. We use our microwave ovens. Bingo! We got a cup of hot coffee. I could go on with many examples. My point is, here in the West, we have come to expect the very best and expect it now. That can include our approach to spiritual things. We want the best and we want it now. Friends, true spirituality doesn't work that way. There is no such thing as instant Christian maturity anymore than there is instant physical maturity. Maturity takes time. On the other hand, becoming a Christian is instant. The Bible tells us, when we in faith turn to Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, things instantly change. The old things have passed away and new things have come. We instantly step from out of the bondage of darkness and into the light of the day. For some, the change can be subtle. For others, it can be a real shocker. In either case, it's not the end of our journey -- it's only the beginning. That's why the Apostle Paul said: Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude (Colossians 2: 6-7 New American Standard Bible). You see, the Bible warns, in the latter days, deceivers will appear among us. They will be counterfeit Christians with counterfeit miracles and spiritual methods. And, there is only one way we will be able to tell the difference between spiritual truth and spiritual error. We will have to know the real thing. We will have to know Jesus and His Word. And, that's something we can't counterfeit. 04-06-2005