What Herb thinks
Courting the Beast

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is gone. And, it appears to me John Paul II will soon be next.

The reason I say this is because the Vatican is already preparing. According to this report, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the most powerful Catholic figure besides the pope himself, has begun posturing to become John Paul's replacement. The report says:

A leading contender to become the next Pope launched a fierce attack on the forces of secularism yesterday, arguing that they were fostering intolerance in Europe and forcing Christianity underground. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 77, one of the Vatican's most powerful figures, issued a rallying cry to the faithful, saying that the liberal consensus had now evolved into a "worrying and aggressive" ideology Read about it here.

The problem I have with Ratzinger is, this is the guy who recently declared that the Christ-rejecting Jewish relgious leaders were also part of God's household. And, this wasn't just any ordinary opinion. Ratzinger, you see, is the man in the Vatican who is responsible for Catholic doctrine. In other words, when Ratzinger made this declaration, he was establishing official Catholic doctrine.

Another thing interesting about this report is how Ratzinger is acknowledging the Catholic Church has utterly failed in its mission to promote Christianity in Europe. And, if you read between the lines, it appears Ratzinger may be asking other continents -- like America -- for help. The report says:

He said that even though "churches were emptying" and people were "no longer able to believe," Christian faith was "not dead". He said he remained convinced of hope's inner strength, even if the future of the Church lay more in "other continents" than Europe.

I must admit, I enjoy the geopolitical puzzle. I think the reason I enjoy it so much is, if you know Bible prophecy, you have an edge over those who don't. When you already know where it's going, it's easier to connect the dots.

Where is this going? The Bible tells us, along with the rise of the 10-horned beast from the sea -- the revived Roman Empire -- another two horned beast from the earth will appear (Revelation chapter 13). This second beast will be a powerful false prophet who will promote a godless religion. It will be so wicked, this religion will become drunk with the blood of the saints. In fact, it will be the same old mystery religion of pagan Rome. But, instead of promoting Emperor worship, it will promote the worship of the Antichrist.

You see, if Ratzinger -- or some other Catholic leader -- can't find a way to save the Christian faith in Europe, it's not hard to believe this leader may decide any faith will do. After all, the issue is saving religion in Europe. And, if Ratzinger is right, if Christ-rejecting Jews are also part of God's household, why not the rest of the Christ-rejecting world? 

The Vatican could begin courting the beast. 

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.