What Herb Thinks
Daniel 11:23 Scenario?

Although a fierce battle is being waged over the EU's new Draft Constitution, there seems to be much agreement in one important area. As I reported before, almost all 25 heads of the current and future EU member states want their new, super EU to have its own military. And, they want it to have its own command structure separate of NATO. Those in favor of this separate command, of course, includes the EU's High Representative Javier Solana -- who was hired to create this independent military -- and his top military man, General Gustav Hagglund. 

In fact, it's believed this is one reasons president George W. Bush will be paying a visit to British prime minister Tony Blair on the 18th of this month -- he's trying to stop it. The United States is afraid a core group of anti-American nations is attempting to take control of the EU.

Will this anti-American core listen to president Bush? Well, he better talk fast. You see, the next day on the 19th, the core's invasion of an island named Atlantia begins (Read about it here). And once that starts, the anti-American heads wouldn't have much time for small talk.

Why will the EU core nations be invading Atlantia? Well, they want to see if their new independent military command structures they don't yet have works. That's right. President Bush is trying to stop the EU from creating what Javier Solana will be demonstrating he already has -- a working, independent military command. Surprise, surprise!

If you think this all doesn't make sense, your right. In fact, that's one reason I believe there must be something more going on here than we're being told -- much more. None of this makes sense.

So I cheat. I look at all of these strange events with the light of Bible prophecy. And, when I do, there is a passage from Daniel that comes to my mind. It reads:

After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up (up to Jerusalem) and gain power with a small force of people (Daniel 11:23 New American Standard Bible).

Why does this passage come to mind? For one thing, Radio Free Europe recently reported NATO leaders were thinking about sending a small force into Israel to patrol between the Israelis and the Palestinians so the so-called Road Map peace plan can be finally implemented (Read about it here). And, the plan is to send European NATO forces because American forces are tied down in Iraq.

For another, the EU's new security doctrine created by Solana calls for strong, preemptive intervention in surrounding nations that could pose a danger to the EU. And this doctrine is already being employed. 

But, this is my main reason. If you look closely at the scenario this joint EU NATO exercise is based on, you'll notice the make-believe situation on the island they're invading is the same situation we find today in Israel. According to the EUobserver, here's the scenario:

There is ethnic tension between at least two groups and then there is a peace agreement and it involves the possible deployment of EU resources.

In other words, their scenario may be Daniel 11:23.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.