I'm often asked why I don't comment more about our own American government. After all, it isn't just Europe fulfilling end-time prophecy. In fact, if it wasn't for America's support, Europe's independent security identity would have never gotten off the ground. Take, for example, the infamous Patriot Act. For the first time in history, America's citizens may be subject to the same kinds of surveillance and warrants as would be expected for foreign spies and terrorists. What's going on here? Why is Uncle Sam turning into "big brother?" For many, the person to blame is Attorney General John Ashcroft. Some even see Ashcroft as an actor in a right-wing conspiracy directed at taking away our freedoms. So, these people want to know why I'm not commenting on these important issues. I have two reasons. For one thing, I can find no direct connection to America in Bible prophecy like I can to what's going on in Europe. And for another, there is a valid reason for the Patriot Act. In fact, I see what the Bush Administration is doing as a desperate attempt at preserving our freedoms, not taking them away. Take a look at this report Read about it here. I suspect here we find what's really been motivating Ashcroft and the Bush Administration. It's the nuclear threat -- they think it's real. And, it's my opinion, it's only a matter of time until our darkest fear is realized. The question is, what will happen next? What will happen to America and our beloved freedoms then? I believe it was retired General Tommy Franks who recently said if we experience another major terrorist attack, such as we had on 9/11, our Constitution will go out the window. And friends, it's only a matter of time. End-time. 01-28-05