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In 1970, the world shook when Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth hit the book stores. And, aftershocks are felt to this day. I was among those who benefited. Stepping from the sixties was like waking from a decade-long dream. Suddenly, reality was in demand. People were looking for solid things on which to grasp. For me, that solid thing was Bible prophecy. Unfortunately, that's not the way it is today. In our post-modern world, reality is no longer in demand. These are the days of floating truth. These are the days when truth for one isn't truth for another. In our churches, these are the days of apostasy. Yet, solid things can stand on their own. They don't need our help. When Israel was reborn as a nation, it didn't matter if we believed. It just happened. That's why I like Bible prophecy. In confusing and uncertain times, it's gives us something solid on which to grasp. The wonderful thing is, the rebirth of Israel in 1948 isn't our only solid event of prophecy. In fact, the rebirth of Israel was only the first in a foretold chain of events. We also have the revival of the Roman Empire. That began in 1952. We have a 10-nation alliance in the form of the Western European Union. That happened in 1995. And, we have the appearance of the first High Representative. That was in 1999. The holder of this Office is even historically connected, in two places, with the number 666. On top of all this, as I write, there are three from out of his 10-nation alliance standing between him and his political ambitions. How about a covenant with many? I think it may be on the scene too. It's called the Euo-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace. Sometimes called the Barcelona Process, this agreement was negotiated by the man who became the High Representative back in 1995. The agreement was with many. It was between the then 15 EU member states and 12 Mediterranean states -- including Israel. And, this agreement has become the basis to the Middle East peace process that appears to be nearing its conclusion. There's even a seven-year period on the horizon. On January 1, 2007, the EU will enter its next seven-year budge term. At that time a new, seven-year instrument will begin funding the EU's new European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). The purpose of the ENP is to strengthen, revive and breathe new life into the Barcelona Process. In other words, whoever is in charge of implementing the ENP on January 1, 2007, will be literally confirming a covenant with many for a period of seven-years. What a solid chain of events. And, as Jesus foretold, they're all happening in one lifetime. This brings us to where I'm going. If it turns out these chain of events are the actual fulfillments of prophecy that I think they are, what happens if January 1, 2007, comes and goes and we're all still here? This is what will happen. Those who have included the pre-trib theory in their prophetic chain of events will be forced to deny that the 70th week has begun. The funny thing is, of all of the links in their end-time chain, the timing of the rapture is the weakest. Nevertheless, for many of God's people today, the weakest link in prophecy is being used to judge the stronger. But, that's the way it is today. In our post-modern world, reality is no longer in demand. These are the days of floating truth. These are the days when truth for one isn't truth for another. And, in our churches, these are the days of apostasy. 07-04-2005