What Herb thinks
De Facto Power

The advantage of de facto power is deniability. Where there's legal power, it's an easy paper trail to those responsible. But where there's de facto power, no such trail exists. The power, however, is just as real. And although legal power can be learned in school, de facto power is best learned in the streets. 

This brings us to why I believe God's people are failing to see what's occurring. While they're waiting for the the legal framework for the coming Antichrist to appear, the de facto framework may already be here.

Former German president Roman Herzog is warning that Germany's democracy is threatened by the de facto power being exercised by Brussels. Herzog is reported saying, "EU policies suffer to an alarming degree from a lack of democracy and a de facto suspension of the separation of powers." He also says, " By far the biggest part of the current laws in Germany are agreed by the council of ministers [member states representation in Brussels] and not the German parliament" Read about it here.

As I've been reporting, the EU's true seat of power is the Council of Ministers. This is where the EU's 27 member states exercise their power over the Union. And, when their legal powers fail -- which is quite often, their de facto powers kick in.

For example, the EU member states have created a de facto, super Foreign Minister post for their High Representative, Javier Solana. When the EU's constitution failed -- and the legal route was no longer available -- the de facto route was taken. As of January 1, 2007, Solana has his de facto seat within the Commission -- from where he can oversee his New European Neighborhood Policy. 

Solana's Middle East EU mandate, however, is not de facto -- it's legal. That was necessary in order for Solana to take the EU's new Middle East peace plan to the Quartet and the rest of the international community.

The EU's peace plan, among other things, calls for convening an international conference on the order of the 1991 Madrid Conference. This idea has been rejected by both Israel and the Bush Administration. Yet, on January 10-12, the so-called "Madrid+15 Conference" occurred. This meeting, referred to only as a reunion, brought together all the major international players from the old 1991 conference. Friends, no matter what they call it, I believe what we had was a de facto, international Middle East peace conference. Even though the conference was said to be unofficial, it was just as real.

Today's news is about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's trip to the Middle East and a possible three-way summit between Rice,  PA Chairman Mahoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Read about it here. Earlier this month, while in Washington, it was announced that Solana would be following in Rice's steps. And, after closed door talks at the Madrid+15 Conference, I believe Solana may have expressed the new feeling of most of the international community. Solana said, "the moment of action has come" Read about it here

The last area of de facto power I will mention is in regard to the UN's Alliance of Civilisations (AoC). As you know, I believe the AoC may be the perfect mechanism from which the coming Antichrist and his 10 kings can wage their foretold war against the saints of God. Although the AoC won't be legally binding, it will -- like all international treaties -- be politically binding. In other words, the AoC will have de facto power. And, as I said before:

The advantage of de facto power is deniability. Where there's legal power, it's an easy paper trail to those responsible. But where there's de facto power, no such trail exists.

The power, however, is just as real.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.