The Apostle Peter tells us God's judgment will first begin with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). And, the Apostle Paul says the same thing. Paul told young Timothy, in the last days, difficult times will come (2 Timothy 3:1). Things have changed for my wife Linda and I. We have worked side-by-side for the last 30 years. Now, because of having to start a new career, we are apart except for all but a few hours at the end of each day. Besides that, we have a family to take care of. I'm talking about all of you who come to FulfilleProphecy.Com. That's the way we've come to feel about you. From now on, I don't have much time. I must choose between answering email or or writing a commentary. So, if you don't receive an answer to your email, please understand. Also, if you don't see a link or a Scriptural reference included, it may be for the same reason. Sometimes I may not have time to find these things and finish writing my commentary. Of course, proper editing is also impossible (I'm gone all day). That means, expect more typos and incorrect spelled words. For example, yesterday's hurriedly written commentary caused some confusion. It seems many didn't understand what I was trying to say about the new pope's beliefs regarding the Jewish people already being saved. In fact, when reading the article I posted, some felt it may have said just the opposite. Let's see if I can explain in the short time I have left. Cardinal Ratzinger scares me much more than pope John Paul ever did. Like many, I'm still trying to figure out where he's coming from doctrinally. This much I'm certain about, he's the new head of a false system of salvation and worship. He believes that he, as the pope, now represents Christ in the flesh on earth. Speaking of Christ, Ratzinger seems to feel it's OK that the Jewish people are still looking into the future for their Messiah. In January of 2002, The Jewish Week reported something interesting about Ratzinger. The report says: Vatican's top biblical scholars recently issued a report that for the first time in nearly 2,000 years apparently validates as legitimate the Jewish wait for the Messiah. A 210-page document titled “The Jewish People and the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible,” by the Pontifical Biblical Commission and authorized by the Vatican's top theologian, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, reportedly states that “the Jewish messianic wait is not in vain" Read about it here. What did Ratzinger mean by this Catholic decree about the Jewish Messiah? At the time, in light of the previous pope's beliefs, I assumed the worse. I assumed Ratzinger was going along with the idea that the Jews were already saved, even though they rejected Jesus. Now we're hearing this isn't the case. We're hearing Ratzinger doesn't believe the Jewish people are free to reject Jesus and still be saved. So, what's going on here? What's the truth? Friends, this is what I think. We are seeing double-talk at its best. From now on, it will be up to us to understand the true picture. If we haven't been properly grounded in God's Word, we may be in danger of falling for a very convincing lie. You see, what Ratzinger is saying is close -- very close -- to what we evangelical Christians want to hear. But, I believe it only appears that way. You see, the whole issue is Jesus. Did He come in the flesh two thousand years ago? Was He who He said He was? Is there any other name under heaven given where we must be saved? Or, is it OK, as Ratzinger's Catholic decree appears to suggest, for the Jewish people to sit back and wait for the next appearing to see if it's the same Jesus? The big question before us is, did Jesus already come in the flesh, or didn't He. Friends, I know it may be hard to see. But, we can't have it both ways. The answer to that important question can't be, as Ratzinger suggests, both yes and a no. Like I said, we're entering difficult times. Then I said, "Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me" (Psalm 40:7). "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life" (Jesus, John 5:39-40). 04-21-2005