What Herb thinks
Our Board Is Working!

Before going to bed last night I asked for help testing a new discussion board. I got up before dawn and hurried to my computer to see if it was working. It's working!

This idea is still new to me. I don't really understand what I'm doing yet. But, I think this may be something the Lord wants me to do. Here's some reasons why:

Firstly: Many have asked me to do this. But, it took a gentle shove from the person who invited me and Constance Cumbey to speak at her planned prophecy conference to motivate me to get it done.

Secondly: It addresses a concern I have about the other popular prophecy message boards -- there's just too much control over what people can say. I guess there has to be rules. But, the first rule here at FulfilledProphecy's discussion board is you are free to say what you want about the timing of the rapture. The administrator (me) is rapture neutral.

Thirdly: We here on FulfilledProphecy should be able to communicate with each other without fear of censorship. Like I said, there's too much control on the other discussion boards to allow us to talk freely about all the unreported events that concern us. Now we can.

One more point: As you know, I recently began asking for financial help. In fact, I said if I didn't get some help, I may have to quite. You know what? People did help me. Not only did some people donate through the Pay Pal button, others sent donations by mail. I even received my first monthly support check like the person promised.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my plea for help, I've not only been encouraged the Lord wants me to keep going, I stepped out a bit farther with our own discussion board.

Thanks so much for the help. And thanks for staying tuned!


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Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.