Divide and expel, that seems to be the policy. Divide Jerusalem and expel the Jewish settlers. The idea of dividing Jerusalem is being floated by former Prime Minister and present Vice Premier Shimon Peres Read about it here. In 1995, Peres was the acting Israeli Prime Minister who signed the Barcelona Declaration with the EU's Javier Solana. This agreement could be the foretold covenant with the many. It was a treaty between 27 nations. It restores the boundaries of the old Roman Empire. Now, all it needs is to be confirmed. Speaking of Solana, I'm old enough to remember the Six Day War when, on June 5, 1967, Israel recaptured Old Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. I recall seeing the pictures of a beaming General by the name of Yitzhak Rabin standing with his rejoicing troops below those ancient walls. What does the Six Day War have to do with Solana? Well, when Solana's Recommendation 666 was adopted -- what I believe to be Solana's empowering document, it happened on the anniversary of the Six Day War -- on June 5, 2000. The reason I find this strange is, one of Solana's stated goals is to return Israel (like it or not) to the borders she held on the morning of June 5, 1967 -- before the war began. (Is that behind Israel's divide and expel policy?) Taken by itself, the date Recommendation 666 was adopted doesn't need to mean anything. But, when factoring in all the other prophecies, an erie connection appears. Don't you agree? The way many Bible believers saw it, after the Six Day War, the times of the Gentiles was finally over. But, it really wasn't. You see, even though the Jewish people had recaptured their ancient city, they still didn't have their beloved Temple Mount. For the sake of peace in the Arab world, the Israeli government decided to leave the Mount in the hands of a Palestinian Islamic authority. Now, for the sake of peace with the Arabs, the Israeli government is floating the idea of giving back the old city. Tell me, they have to be getting something big in return. What do you think that could be? While this is going on, it's being reported Israeli commandos are actually preparing to use deadly force against Jewish settlers if they don't give up their land peacefully. It is believed out of about 8000 settlers, 200 may become a problem Read about it here. These are mostly religious Jews who believe God has given them their land. Isn't it strange how, as the prophecies are fulfilled, it all looks so natural? There's no reason to think anything more is going on than what's on the surface. There's no reason to be concerned, take offense or become alarmed. So, the policy is divide and expel. All continues as before. Where have I heard that? 07-24-2005