Isn't it amazing the words we're hearing today? Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon didn't just use that word -- "occupation," he also used the word -- "divide." This is the first time an Israeli leader has described Israel's control over the disputed territories as an occupation. And, in so doing, Sharon has agreed with the international community that Israel must return to those hard to defend borders that existed between Israel and her unfriendly neighbors before the 1967 Six Day War. However, occupation isn't the only bad word Sharon used. He also used an even worse word -- divide. He said the time had come for Israel to divide the land. The problem is, according to the Bible, the land isn't ours to divide -- it belongs to God. In fact, dividing up His land is the reason God gives for the coming battle of Armageddon. Through the prophet Joel God said: "I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshapht, then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land" (Joel 3:2 New American Standard Bible). Unfortunately, Sharon isn't the only one who is using that word divide regarding God's land. Referring to God's land as the "Holy Land," US president George W. Bush has been using it too (Read about it here). With Bush, however, he started using it early last year when he sponsored a UN Resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. A few days later he went further and backed another UN Resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from the territories. As I've said before, it may be time for God's people in America to be concerned. Although we may agree with Bush attempting to bring peace to Israel, we need to remember that God has lines He doesn't want crossed. And, I'm afraid dividing up His land may be one of those lines. We students of prophecy have long known the day was coming when the international community would force Israel into dividing up her land for peace. But, we never dreamed it would be under the leadership of a US president -- and a professing Christian at that. And this brings us to a sobering question: Instead of the Antichrist, will it be a US president who brings Israel her foretold short time of peace just before her destruction (Ezekiel 38:8)? I hope to be posting more regularly again. Stay tuned! 06-05-2003