What Herb thinks
The Dragon's Next Step

The shadow of a great dragon is rising over Europe. The modern European Union began as an economic alliance between two nations -- France and Germany. Out of this small beginning, the EU has grown and evolved into what it is today -- an alliance of 15 European nations. And, in 2004 it will not only become an even bigger alliance of 25 nations, it will become a full-fledged legal political entity. In other words, the revived Roman Empire of end-times Bible prophecy will have officially arrived.

Most students of prophecy recognize this growing dragon for what it is -- the fulfillment of Bible prophecy concerning the rise of the Antichrist and his coming kingdom. But what many students still fail to see, however, is that behind the scenes there has been a common foreign and security policy strategy that has been feeding and directing this growing monster.

And, directing the EU's common foreign policy today we find one very intriguing individual, Javier Solana. In fact, one of his titles is actually High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy. In other words, Solana was hired by the 15 EU heads to represent them -- to be the first Mr. Europe.

However, High Representative wasn't the only title Solana was given. He also became the Secretary General of the Council where all the EU heads meet, and the Secretary General of the military alliance known as the Western European Union.

And for a students of prophecy, it's the first and the last of Solana's titles that should be of the most concern. Why? Concerning the last title, its because the WEU just happens to be a 10-nation military alliance. You see, the Bible predicts that the end-times revival of the Roman Empire will be under the direction of an alliance of 10 nations and/or kings. And, out of this alliance the Antichrist would appear.

And concerning Solana's first title, its because the Bible tells us God will give the 10 kings and the Antichrist a common purpose. Here's what the Scripture says:

"For God has put it in their (the 10 kings) hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God should be fulfilled" (Revelation 17:17 New American Standard Bible).

As I said at the beginning, the shadow of a great dragon is once again rising over Europe. And, behind the scenes, there has been an intriguing individual at the wheel of this growing beast.

How well has this first Mr. Europe done so far? Constance Cumbey, the author of the best seller, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, always reminds me that Solana has already accomplished what Hitler failed to do -- control the Balkans. As you may know, Solana's army will soon be taking NATO's place in the Balkans. In other words, Solana will be occupying the Balkans.

Why is this significant? I believe it may be significant for students of prophecy because the Balkans would be a necessary step if the real goal of this dragon is as the prophecies predict -- the Mediterranean region.

And, according to this recent report from the EU observer, it looks like the dragon's next step is already in the works (Read about it here).

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.