What Herb thinks
Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu

A new personality has suddenly entered the stage. It seems the European Union's High Representative Javier Solana, the United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan and this new personality -- Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu -- are getting together in an attempted to contain the growing unrest over cartoons about Prophet Mohammed Read about it here.

Who on earth is Ihsanoglu? Well, he is head of an organization known as the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). And, something tells me we may be hearing more about this guy. You see, employing Ihsanoglu in this endeavor was the idea of the Austrian EU presidency. The report says:

Austria asked Solana "to explore with the OIC how best (it) can help reduce the tensions."

One result of the three-way partnership has been a joint statement. Basically, the three are calling for establishing a new atmosphere of understanding between the Islamic world and the West Read about it here. Friends, in light of end-time prophecy, this development is a bit scary.

This brings up a good question. Why would the Austrian EU presidency turn for help to Ihsanoglu? I did some research and found a talk he gave last November at a conference on Islam that was sponsored by the Austrian government. In his talk Ihsanoglu said:

The rift between material world and spiritual values grows deeper by the day, and many in advanced countries find themselves in spiritual void as religions are left behind. That is why there is a strong need to strengthen and fortify the power of moral and spiritual values. There should be a plea for common cause to safeguard the values of goodness, uprightness, virtue, compassion and high ethics. All religions call for that. All of them teach us that there is something to which we are all accountable. We are accountable to our inner conscience, to each other and to a higher truth, which manifest itself in different interpretations we call religions. The fact that God has spoken different languages resulting in different religious systems makes diversity part and parcel of the history of world religions Read his talk here.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Unfortunately, what Ihsanoglu teaches is not what the Bible teaches. As a matter of fact, it's not what the Koran teachers either. This reminds me of something said by Constance Cumbey. She says the new world order doesn't mind people who are religious, as long as they don't really believe. I think Ihsanoglu just proved her right.

We're going to have to watch this guy.

DVD update:

We received over 100 requests for the new DVD version of my Powerpoint presentation. So far we've sent out about 25. One reason the going is slow is because it takes us about 12 minutes to burn one disk. In other words, the orders are coming in faster than we can produce them. Please be patient. And, keep supporting this ministry in mind. Our cost, not counting labor or equipment costs,  is around $3.00 per disk. We need your help to keep going. 

Herb & Linda

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.