There is another elephant in the room. If there was only one, I might understand why no one was saying anything. But, now there are three. And, if silence is an indicator, no one is noticing. You see, the first elephant of Bible prophecy may have arrived in 1995, when the Western European Union became an alliance of 10 nations. This political event was something we students of prophecy had long been waiting for. Then, the second elephant appeared. In 1999, Javier Solana became the EU's Secretary General/High Representative and, more importantly for prophecy students, Secretary General of the 10-nation alliance. Now, we may have a third elephant in the room. Three of the original leaders from out of this 10-nation alliance -- Blair, Chirac and Schroeder -- have formed a directorate and are, at least for the moment, standing in Solana's way. These three are called the EU "big three" Read about it here I And here. Now, if three elephants in the room with us aren't enough, there appear to be more on the way. On January 1, 2007, Solana is to become the EU's first, super Foreign Minister. Solana's advancement was planned to coincide with the EU's next budget term. Interestingly, for the very last time, the EU's budget term will be for a seven-year period. In the meantime, the political days are numbered for the "big three." In fact, according to these reports, all three leaders will probably be gone around the same time Solana is to move into his new post Read about it here I And here I And here. Friends, there is no way to know for certain if these political events are, in fact, the actual fulfillments of the prophecies found in Daniel 7: 7-8 and 9:27. But, if they're not, they sure look like it. In fact, for all students of Bible prophecy, these events should be standing out like elephants in the room. But, they're not. 05-08-2005