What Herb thinks
End-Time Reporter

I've often said I'm not a Bible scholar. What I consider myself to be is more like an end-time, investigative reporter. A reporter who happens to know Bible prophecy.

However, this brings up an often asked question. How do I know that my view on Bible prophecy is correct. After all, there are other views floating around out there that may deserve an equal amount of attention. In fact, some of those views make a lot of sense.

I agree. Some of the different views I've seen do make a lot of sense. The problem I have, however, remains. Why is it events are occurring according to my view of prophecy, and, for some reason, they're going unreported? This is an especially good question considering the fact that my view of prophecy was, not that long ago, the widely accepted view. It's the view that, for many of us, had its origins in Hal Lindsey's, The Late Great Planet Earth.

This brings us to another question. I started reporting these events on the Internet in February, 2002. It wasn't until December 16, 2004, that Hal Lindsey began publicly acknowledging that he was aware of this information. I'm talking about the 10-nation Western European Union, Jaiver Solana's new office of High Representaive for Common Foreign and Security Policy and, on his January 4, 2005 TV show on TBN, even Recommendation 666. Clearly indicating Lindsey understood this information's possible prophectic importance, he even titled his article, 'Late Great Planet Earth' revisited Read article here. Here's the question: Why, if this information is potentially so important, has there been no serious attempt by Lindsey to follow it up? After all, it was Lindsey who started many of us looking for such events to happen in Europe in the first place.

Like I said, I'm not a Bible scholar. I'm only a reporter. And, like any reputable reporter, when it comes to matters of authority I step back and quote the experts. In this case, I quote from those who are accepted Bible scholars -- such as J. Dwight Pentecost and John Walvoored. And, for the most part, these men happen to agree with the views that are found in Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth -- the view that I and many others hold.

All this being the case brings up one last question. Since Lindsey published his book back in 1969, has Lindsey changed his views on end-time prophecy? If not, why hasn't he followed up on these amazing events in Europe that he, himself, suggested back in December of 2004 might be the fulfillment of the things he predicted in his book?

Perhaps, if they continue going in the direction they're going, someday Lindsey will follow up on these events. If so, he may once again take his rightful place as the person who started it all -- the one who started us all watching.

In the meantime, I'll keep reporting.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.