What Herb thinks
Enter the Peace Maker

What the world needs right now is brilliant diplomat. It needs someone on the international scene who has connections and knows how to use them. With Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat suddenly out of the picture, a small window may have opened making peace in the Middle East possible. Possible, that is, if someone knows what to do with it.

I received an email from someone who corresponds with me from time to time about the EU's High Representative Javier Solana. Today he brought up something interesting. He pointed out in his version of the Bible Daniel 9:27 doesn't say the Antichrist will make a covenant with the many, it just says with many. He said he has come to believe this may signify we are to watch for a specific covenant that wouldn't be just with many people, but with many nations including Israel. In other words, something on the order of Solana's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership he negotiated in 1995 and his new Neighborhood Policy.

Like I said before, the world needs a brilliant diplomat right now. Well, guess what? I think we got one. His name, of course, is Javier Solana. He's the guy who somehow talked Russia into going along with NATO's eastward expansion -- changing the face of Europe. He's the guy who maneuvered through the EU power wars and ended up on top -- without making enemies. He's the guy who scored the other day with Iran when the EU's big three's utterly failed. Friends, I believe Solana may be that diplomat who could actually pull it off -- a peace deal in the Middle East. And, now that Arafat is out of the way, his window may be open.

Enter the peace maker. 

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.