What Herb thinks
Israel's Epic Battle


C-SPAN covered today's Security Council meeting of the UN. As you may know, the international body was debating a Middle East cease-fire resolution. The outcome of the debate could have serious implications to the future security of Israel. In fact, it was reported Israel said before this meeting they were preparing for an "epic battle." And, when Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman spoke, it was clear they had -- Gillerman was prepared.

The frustrating thing about our time is stating truth and the obvious isn't understood. For so many today truth is a foreign language. And, unfortunately, it's a language for which there are no UN interpreters. I suspect Gillerman's well prepared words were wasted.

But, I listened. What caught my attention was his phrase, "quartet of terror." Gillerman was referring to Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. It was obvious what Gillerman was doing. He was intentionally contrasting the international group known as the Quartet -- the US, the EU, the UN and Russia -- who are trying to bring peace, to another quartet -- Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas -- who are trying to do the exact opposite. But, unfortunately, that's too obvious.

After Gillerman finished the Lebanese representative made his presentation. His focus was the destruction and suffering that the Israeli war machine was inflicting on the innocent people of the ancient city of Tyre. In response Gillerman said he noticed that in all of the Lebanese representative's presentation, there was a word missing -- "Hezbollah." Gillerman went on to explain why Hezbollah may have something to do with all that's happening to Lebanon. Gillerman was about to say what he thought of someone who would intentionally leave this important piece of information out when he stopped himself. He then said he wouldn't say the word he was thinking -- even though it was obvious. I think even the Lebanese representative figured it out.

As I write I can't help but think about the freelance photographer who was doctoring his images to make Israel look as bad as possible. I recall the Arab Israeli who after seeing his own family terrorized by a Hezbollah fired rocket blamed Israel. Now we are to believe that Israel will be getting a fair deal in an international body made up of representatives from countries filled with people like I mention above. They may all appear as peaceful as lambs. But, if you listen closely, they speak as dragons -- as those who want to destroy Israel.

For example, the Arab League has publicly sided with Lebanon and has called for an immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops Read about it here. The result, of course, will be to maintain a well equipped army in the region so the Islamic world can continue to threaten Israel's existence. On the other side of the debate we find the Israeli loving European forces -- like the French, German and the Spanish -- wanting to provide Israel their protection Read about it here  I  And here. How much do you want to bet that they may come to an agreement -- to protect Israel together. 

Yes, Israel may be right. This debate in the UN Security Council may end up being Israel's "epic battle." Unfortunately, I think the outcome is obvious. 

And, so too is our Lord's soon return.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.