What Herb thinks
EU's Big 3

As I've been reporting, there is a desperate battle raging in the EU. The problem is, each EU head has their own idea about the way the EU beast should go. And, each feel threatened by the way the beast is actually going Read about it here I And here.

Even old alliances are quarreling. Not only are the six founding EU nations --  Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg -- not agreeing with each other, the so-call "core" 10 Brussels Treaty Powers -- Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, UK, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Greece -- can't agree either.

So why don't they just all sit back and give it time? Because, they don't have time. The problem is, in May the EU beast will have 10 more heads spinning around every six months. Now it only has 15. This means what ever the 15 heads want to do, they have to do it now.

That's why Britain, France and Germany decided to band together. They don't really like each other that much, it's just that they need each other. The idea is, if these big three EU nations band together, they can pretty much set the EU beast's agenda. So, that's what they're doing.

Question: Will the big three pull it off. By standing firmly together, will they rally the other member states around them?

Like I said, in the face of the EU's coming enlargement, it looks like all old loyalties are out the window. This means, something new is coming. And what ever it is, it's coming soon.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.