Not only doesn't the EU beast have it together, it's looks like it's having a complete breakdown. The beast's 25 little heads just can't seem to agree on who should lead. So, is this the end of the EU beast? No, the beast will go on. However, like I said in my last commentary, I suspect a changing of its horns. And according to this report, that's exactly what some are predicting. The New York Times is saying Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands may go ahead of the rest of the crowd and create their own little core group (Read about it here). Now, if you add Greece into this mix of nations, guess what? We got a group of seven from Javier Solana's 10 nation alliance. Like I said yesterday, we're seeing a battle of the EU beast's 10 horns. And now that the EU summit has failed to produce for them what they wanted, it looks like they'll all pack up and go home -- back to their Western European Union. If so, this could create that two-speed Europe so many fear. The reason a divided Europe is feared is because that could mean a small group of nations would gain control over all the others. And this, of course, could be a very dangerous affair as far as freedom and democracy in the EU is concerned. But for us students of Bible prophecy, there is something here much more serious to consider. If that two-speed Europe does come out of this collapsed summit, and if we see seven out of Solana's 10 nation alliance in one group and three in another, we may just have witnessed the pulling of the three horns foretold in Scripture (Daniel 7:8). And, we all know what that means. 12-13-2003