It's a complicated mess. But, some understanding may be possible. The Bible tells us ultimately what to expect -- the Middle East peace process shifting to the EU. That makes it easier. Today's news report says that the EU monitors sent to guard the Gaza/Eygpt border have fled their posts Read about it here I Here's why. If you recall, the EU's first military type deployment into the Holy Land was to send these monitors. This is where at the press conference following the Quartet's decision to send EU forces, three large sixes strangely appeared on the wall. And, when the EU Council endorsed sending EU forces to enforce the Israeli/Lebanon cease-fire, the biblical number of prophecy -- even more strangely -- appeared again. I don't want to place too much significance to such occurrences. But, I don't want to completely ignore these strange events either. They may have happened for a reason. As you know, these aren't the first time that we have seen this number associated with these prophetic looking events. So, what's actually going on in Gaza? Only last week the EU's Javier Solana said that Hamas had blown their chance Read about it here. After that, while Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was away on a trip seeking money, three children belonging to a top Fatah official were mercilessly murdered. Naturally, mood in the Gaza street began shifting away from Hamas. When Haniyeh heard about the murders, he called his trip short. Israel, aware of the money that Haniyeh was bringing, ordered the border crossing closed. Fighting erupted between Hamas and Fatah and the EU border monitors fled. At the time of writing, the latest news is Haniyeh is back in Gaza, but without his money. So, again, what's going on? It looks like the EU may have decided to do something that it has never done before -- get tough. You see, the EU didn't only say the bloc will support the Palestinian government of Mahmoud Abbas, it also said it would support the Lebanese government of Fouad Saniora Read about it here. In other words, the EU actually appears to be drawing a line in the Middle East sand. And, as far as Bible prophecy goes, this sudden change of heart in the EU could be very significant. Especially as we approach 2007. 12-12-2006