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The UK's Tony Blair thinks he's on a roll. The EU's failed constitution may be just what he needed. You see, Blair never wanted too much Europe in the first place. He only wanted a little. That's why he went along with the EU beast from the start. He wanted to be a part of it so he could control it.. Back home Blair is out of a pickle. He won't have to survive the political fallout that would follow the UK doing what France and the Netherlands did by rejecting the constitution. Now he can cancel the UK's ratification process with good cause. If France, a nation at the very heart of the EU project, can't get enough votes to ratify the new constitution, how in the world could the euro-skeptically minded UK be expected to? Read about it here The down side to this is the possible break-up of the EU's "big three." As I've been reporting, in order to maintain control of an expanded EU, the leaders of the EU's three largest nations -- France, Germany and the UK -- decided to form a directorate. If the directorate falls, there could be a dangerous power vacuum. That's why Blair is already out shopping new partners. Why? Because, Germany and France have asked him to have the UK go ahead with the ratification process anyway Read about it here. That's not something Blair wants to do. Besides, this July Blair will take over the EU's rotating presidency. He'll be setting the EU's agenda. So, Blair is shopping for new partners. But, many believe an EU war is unavoidable. Keep in mind, we have a sleeper in the background. That's the reason I find this report revealing. It seems that Uzbekistan has dared to refused to allow the EU's special envoy for human rights to visit. Listen to how the EU's Javier Solana responded. You would think Solana was in control of the EU, not the "big three." Solana wrote the Uzbek president and said: It is much to my regret that your government has decided not to receive my personal representative Read about it here. And, Solana brought up their association agreement with the EU. He said: I believe that it should be possible at all times that diplomatic envoys are received to transmit messages and conduct dialogue. It is indeed the very foundation of our Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. My point is, Solana knows how to recognize and apply power. First, he makes a sweet deal. Then, after his deal is accepted, he threatens to take it away if you don't play along. Right now his energies appear to be directed outwardly. If an EU war breaks out, that could change. The Bible tells us the coming Antichrist will subdue three kings on his rise. That's why the geopolitical reality standing before us in Europe is so fascinating. If there's going to be war, then it's possible the EU "big three" could be among the casualties. Blair may think he's on a roll. I think he's headed for a fall. Stay tuned! 06-06-2005