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Even for somewhat of an adrenaline junkie like me, this is becoming quite a ride. The news related to end-times prophecy is coming so fast now I'm having trouble keeping up. And sometimes the events are so many, I don't know which to report. For example, the news about the collapsed Temple Mount wall caused quite a stir. That's because we all are expecting to see something happen soon that would allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. But, before I could research the report and write a commentary, I still had the Banner Ministries and Mystery Babylon issue to deal with. Why was I wanting to do a commentary about Banner Ministries? Because, if what this site is reporting is true, we got a major apostasy occurring in our own camp. It is a reverse end-times theology that calls the good guys bad, and the bad guys good. For example, the White Horse in Revelation 6 isn't the Antichrist going forth to conquer God's people, it's Joel's Army going forth to conquer false Christians. In other words, us! And while all this was going on with the Temple Mount and the information on Banner Ministries, a possible security agreement in the form of the Geneva Accords was brewing between the EU and Israel. You know what? If events keep occurring at this rate, for someone who hasn't been keeping up it may be too late to catch up now. All these news events would look like one big blur. But for those who stayed tuned, the end-times puzzle appears to be fitting together. And this weekend NATO defense ministers and military officials will have their annual meeting in Munich, Germany. Last year top on the agenda was the EU getting its own piece of NATO -- you could say a European pillar standing beside an American pillar. This year top on the agenda is finding a way to send these two NATO pillars into the Middle East Read about it here I And here. But the way it's shaping up, these two pillars won't be standing together. One NATO pillar will be in Iraq, and the other in Israel. And guess which pillar will be in Israel. You got it -- Eurocorps! It's quite a ride ... isn't it? 02-06-04