Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we students of prophecy make is
failing to recognize the difference between details and prophetic road
signs. Although God has given us many amazing details of the future in
the Bible, we must learn to recognize the difference between details and
road signs. When we fail to follow the prophetic road signs, it’s
easy to get hung up in the details and go off course. And I believe Europe
Day is a prophectic road sign.
They may well be right. Yet, an increase in the frequency of earthquakes is debatable. Not all experts agree that they have increased. So, I wouldn’t classify recent earthquakes as prophetic road signs. For example, the rebirth of the nation Israel in 1948 was a prophetic road sign in history. It was foretold by the prophets, and now it is documented in history. This doesn’t mean everyone who sees a prophetic road sign will appreciate its prophetic meaning. It simply means everybody will agree that the event occurred. And by carefully following the prophetic road signs, we are more apt to stay on the right course. I consider the Schuman Declaration another major prophetic road sign in history. On May 9, 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented his proposal that led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community – considered by Europeans to be the first step in the reunification of Europe. This date has now become a symbol of the European Union – like July 4th is to America – and is known as Europe Day. Although not everybody may recognize or agree with the prophetic implications, almost everybody realizes by now that Schuman’s Declaration marked the beginning of the reunification of the nations of Europe we are witnessing today. The appearance of the EURO in January 1999 – the new single currency of the European Union – has convinced even some of the more skeptical that the nations of Europe are uniting. This revival of the Roman Empire was foretold by the prophets, and there is a recognized day in history when it began, Europe Day. Think about it. What good is a prophecy if the event that fulfilled it is not established in history? This would not serve God’s purpose for Bible prophecy. Beware of those who tell you certain Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, without being able to point to reliable historical events as proof. So remember, learn to recognize and follow the prophetic road signs
before attempting to fill in the details.