Holly's Thoughts
Evangelical Leaders Betray Israel

I have no doubt that the evangelical leaders who signed this letter in Sunday's New York Times mean well. They really believe that other evangelicals who defend Israel's right to her land are mistaken -- and dangerously so. 

It makes me think of another Christian leader who meant well. When Jesus told his disciples that he must suffer and be killed, Peter said, "No way, Lord. This won't happen to you." To which Jesus replied, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."

And what are God's interest in Israel? He's chosen to reveal Himself to the world through the continued existence of this nation and her land. He gave her the land (Genesis 15:18), he warned of judgment for those who divide it (Joel 3:2), and he's promised a day when she will possess it in peace (Ezekiel 36).

But man's interests are Palestinians and Israelis co-existing peacefully now, through a two-state solution -- a solution that requires Israel to give up much of her land. This is a plan that has been embraced by evangelicals from some of our largest ministries, churches and seminaries.

Certainly, God is concerned about justice and the rights of the oppressed, as the letter signers point out. And he loves the Palestinians, not just the Israelis. But it's a logical leap to assume that this requires supporting the Quartet's "Road Map for Peace," or the other initiatives being pushed on Israel. Actually, loving the Palestinians would include warning them about opposing God.

Their mistake reminds me of another rebuke Jesus gave, this time to Israel's religious leadership -- the Sadducees. They mistakenly believed that the dead will not be resurrected. Jesus told them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God" (Matthew 22:29). 

The evangelical letter signers are also mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures about God's end-time plans for the nation of Israel that include a time of false peace made possible by the Antichrist. In fact, many Christians today don't know Bible prophecy and so, when they speak, they don't speak according to God's interests, but man's.

And they, unknowingly, end up working with the enemy.

Copyright 2007 Holly Pivec. All rights reserved.