What Herb thinks
Evil Days Have Come

You don't have to be a born-again, Bible believing Christian to know our world stands on the brink of something evil. You can feel it in the air.

In Europe masses of people are in the streets venting their hate for Jews and the United States president, George W. Bush, who supports Israel and dared to publicly confess Jesus as his Lord and savior. No, they don't say that's the reason -- but, it is. And, in their hearts they all know it.

But the evil isn't only abroad. Here in America our unbelieving, anti-Christ courts are now regularly rendering decisions in favor of the wicked and against Christ and His people. In so doing, these judges are rejecting the very Spirit of liberty that secured them their high seats.

Yet the enemy isn't only in the unbelievers without. I'm sad to say, the enemy is within. As I write, there are those among us who dare mock the clear warnings in God's word. They tell us times have changed and God isn't concerned about sin anymore. No, they don't put it quit in those words. But that's what they're saying. You can see it in their deeds.

And if your wise, you don't know who to trust anymore. In fact, you're even afraid to trust yourself in these wicked days in which we must live. Yes evil days have come, and I fear God's people are unprepared.

This brings us to an important question: How can we be prepared? And if we don't even trust ourselves anymore, to whom can we go for our answer?

But, if we are true Christians, deep down inside we all know the answer to that question. Jesus once said to His disciples:

Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me (John 16:32 New American Standard Bible).

Jesus' hour had come. The prince of this world was coming, and He would be left standing all alone. But, He wouldn't be alone. His Father in heaven would be with Him.

Now we -- His earthly body -- could soon be facing our hour. If this turns out to be the case, we must keep something in mind. Thanks to our dear Jesus facing His hour, we won't be alone in our hour either.

Our Father will be with us.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.