The Dead Sea Scrolls are a time capsule. They were evidently hidden by a religious community during the Jewish War. This is the war when in 70 AD Roman legions destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish people were dispersed among the nations. The reason I call the scrolls a time capsule is because they are basically a large library of Jewish literature from the period in which Jesus lived. What they show is how different the Jewish people were compared to now. At the time of Christ, they were largely messianic. Many, like the first followers in Jesus, were awaiting their messiah. Some, like the ones who hid the scrolls, were even counting the days according to Daniel 9:25. That's why this article is so interesting. Here we find a Jewish commentator noticing the change. Today, unlike the days in which Jesus lived, when Scripture is read in Jewish synagogues on Sabbath the passages that have to do with the messiah are missing. In other words, Jesus has been deliberately excluded Read about it here. Friends, let's not do the same. 08-14-05