Today I had another email with a link to a site claiming to have definitive proof for a particular view on end-time prophecy. And, once again, what the site had to offer was far from what it boasted. But, sad to say, many seekers of truth will stumble there. Friends, anytime someone tells you that they have 100% certainty about their particular end-time teaching, don't believe them. Today it continues to be as when the Apostle Paul wrote his letters. Until our Lord returns from heaven, there can always be a little wiggle room for our opinions (1 Cor. 13: 9-10). Otherwise, our faith would no longer be necessary. And, this principle especially applies to the difficult subject of end-time prophecy. Yes, our faith is still very important. For example, by now most of us have seen the pictures of a fearful Saddam Hussein as he was about to be hanged. Before him was the trap door that would send him to his death. Behind his back he was clutching a Koran. Soon, that too would be robbed from his grip. All he would have was his faith. Saddam had sixty-nine years to prepare for the moment. Now he would find the quality of his beliefs. When my moment comes, I'll be thinking about what Jesus did for me on the cross. I won't need a Bible to hold or the prayers of a cleric. I have complete confidence in what I believe. I'm prepared. And, I've been prepared for many years now. So, does my confidence come from having a 100% certainty? No. My confidence comes from having developed a strong faith. You see, even after all the evidence for Jesus is presented, there comes a time that we have to decide -- will we believe or disbelieve. Yes, as Saddam found, it can be hard facing facts. But, harder still is facing faith. 12-30-2006