What Herb thinks
Faith and Presumption

 There's a fine line between faith and presumption. Stepping out isn't easy. Yesterday I stepped out. I called my boss -- who also had become a friend -- and told him I wouldn't be coming back to work. I decided to go full time with FulfilledProphecy. 

Let's face it. Our world is a scary place. And, the way I see it, it's getting scarier by the minute. No, that doesn't mean I suffer from anxiety attacks or depression. It's just, in light of world events and Bible prophecy, that's the way I see things. And, I don't trust myself to always make the right decision.

I was reading through Jeremiah chapter 23 this morning. This is where God talks about the coming Messiah and false shepherds and prophets. One thing that I noticed was their number -- they were in the majority. Another thing, they spoke peace and security when judgment was on its way. 

Friends, isn't that the way it is today? Aren't we, even while enduring every form of evil, hearing the same type of messages coming from our pulpits?

Yet, there was something God said that struck me even more. God said:

Therefore behold, I am against the prophets," declares the LORD, "who steal My words from each other (Jeremiah 23:30 New American Standard Bible).

There was a cross-reference to a passage in Deuteronomy.

But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die (Deuteronomy 18:20).

As I thought about these verses, I realized the problem. Instead of hearing from God themselves, these phony prophets simply stole from each other and presumptuously proclaimed it.

Again, isn't that the way it is today? My gift is in the area of eschatology -- end-time things. However, I wasn't able to go to a formal Bible school. I had to learn on my own. The result was, for years, I felt at a disadvantage. I don't anymore.

Don't get me wrong. I still think Bible schools are a good thing. The problem is, when they're all teaching the same thing, we are in danger of a cookie-cutter form of eschatology being taught everywhere -- whether it's right or wrong.

Friends, we need -- each one of us -- to go to God's word for ourselves. If we don't, if we simply accept what's taught -- we too could be in danger of those false prophets who God described as stealing His word.

Take a look at our world. It's scary.

And, there's a fine line between faith and presumption.

(Events are happening so fast right now, I 'm still fitting things together. Stay tuned!)

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.