What Herb thinks
Faith On the Rock

A song from yesterday's American rightly said, "Paranoia runs deep. Into your heart it will creep." Well, the same could be sung about today's Europe. The only difference is, instead of  paranoia, it's confusion that runs deep.

Some are saying the EU's new Constitution is dead. Some are saying it's alive. Others say it's dead or alive. And, wouldn't you know it? A few are even saying it's both -- it's dead and alive Dead  I  Alive  I Dead or alive  I  Dead and alive. If that's not confusion, I don't know what is.

If we're not careful, we students of Bible prophecy can get caught up in the confusion. We can become like a boat struggling at sea, tossed in every direction by wind and wave.

That's why we have to keep our eyes on the Rock. The storms will come and go. But, our Rock will never be moved. The Bible tells us our Rock is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The Bible even tells us our Rock's name. It's Jesus.

So, no matter what happens here on earth, we know where it's all going. Bible prophecy tells us that, from the time of the prophet Daniel and the Babylonian empire, there will only arise four Gentile kingdoms over God's nation Israel. And, in the days of the final ten kings out of the fourth and last kingdom, our Rock will crush what's left of those four kingdoms, and establish His kingdom on earth (Daniel chapter 2).

Really, it's that simple. While confusion reigns over the secular world, it shouldn't for us. It's interesting that in the middle of what's going on in modern Europe, we find a 10-nation military alliance. And, we even find this alliance pursuing a foreign policy that's grabbing for Israel.

Looking a little deeper, we become more amazed. At the center of this 10-nation alliance we discover an office clearly identifiable with the number 666. How? In December of 1998 the office was created with the number 666. And, in June of 2000, it was strengthened with the number 666.

Does that mean Javier Solana, the person who currently holds this office, is the Anti-christ? That's not for us to say. The Bible tells us we won't know for certain who the Anti-chrsit is until we see him in the rebuilt Jewish temple, and we see the foretold abomination of desolation.

You see, even we students of prophecy are not to put our faith in the unknown. That's why it shouldn't matter to us what happens in Europe, or with the EU's new Constitution. Whether it is dead, alive, dead or alive, or dead and alive, we already know what's going to happen.

That's because our faith is on the Rock.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.