What Herb thinks
Herb's First Book Sales Report

I promised I'd post my book's first sales report when it came in. Well, it finally came in. And, Recommendation 666 isn't quite a No 1 best seller. Not counting what I bought for myself, it sold 65 copies in its first month of September.

Of course, I was wishing for a higher number. But, for a book that isn't promoted by a publisher or sold in bookstores, that's not bad.

Perhaps now that the truth is finally coming out about the EU's High Representative being what I've been reporting -- a new, undemocratic center of power in Europe (Read about it here), interest in my book may increase. I hope so. You see, the only way my publisher may decide to promote Rec 666 is for it to achieve enough sales. They require at least 500 book sales. If you include what I've purchased myself and estimated sales for October, Rec 666 should be about 300 sales short as of this date. 

And like I said before, it's not money driving me. The reason I want Rec 666 in the bookstores is because I believe the message needs to get to the streets. Here's why: For one thing, in light of the recent news coming from Europe (Read about it here), it's becoming increasingly possible Rec 666 may be the events record that documents the rise of the beast from the sea. 

And for another, Rec 666 lays an easy to understand, biblically sound foundation for people to understand the difficult subject of Bible prophecy. And, most importantly, it tells people how they can be ready for Christ's return.

One more point: If the events in Rec 666 turn out to be what I think -- fulfillment's of end-times prophecies, this record may not be available much longer.



Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.