I hesitated posting the news that FP's moved into Alexa's #2 spot. I didn't want to be seen as bragging. But, at the same time, my 30 years in the insurance business taught me that people were drawn to success. And, my goal is to reach as many people as possible while I still can. You see, our Internet door may not always be open. The day may soon come when the only way we will have to communicate our message about Bible prophecy and the times that we're in will be the First Century way --- by going from church to church in person. So, before that day comes, we all need to prepare. That's one reason I feel this October's Watchman Speaks End-Time Symposium may be so important. If there's any way possible, you should consider attending. I believe God may be preparing His people for what's coming. And, I'm beginning to believe that FP may be playing an important role. Lord willing, I will be presenting a three part presentation. The first presentation will be about what I believe may be the rise of the beast from the sea. The second will be about the possible rise of the beast from the earth. And, on the last day, we'll put it all together. I'll share with you what I think it all might mean. It's time for action. It's time to become equipped. There's already too much deception. We need to get together and prepare for the obvious new war against God's people that's coming. If you can't personally make it, consider having Linda and I come and speak at your church or organization. We know that our time is short. We also know that we won't always have access to the Internet and the other forms of mass media. And, if we know these things, we need to act now. Herb The Watchman Speaks Symposium will be held in Detroit on October 27 through 29. Sign-up forms can be downloaded here word doc I pdf. Please sign up early. We need to know how many are coming because it's going to be first cabin. And, don't forget, Constance Cumbey will be there too! 09-12-2006