France is being ... well, France. Despite British PM Tony Blair's call for a healing of the Atlantic alliance, French president Jacques Chirac is basically declaring war on the US Read about it here I And here I And here. Our tendency here in America is to laugh and move on. After all, Chirac does look pretty ridiculous challenging us -- the world's last superpower -- to a fight. However, I think that's a mistake. In light of Bible prophecy, I believe the US should be taking France's threats a bit more seriously. The bottom line is, France didn't get her way in the last election. For one thing, France was backing Germany for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. That's because, Germany and France want to control things in the EU. Recently, Britain joined France and Germany and these three nations have formed an EU directorate. But, now that Bush is back in the White House, Germany getting a permanent seat at the UN along side France and Britain will probably not happen. The Bush administration has said it would support Italy's call for a UN seat for the EU instead of Germany. So, Chirac is mad. He's so mad, he's even refusing to meet with the visiting Interim Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi on Friday. Friends, there's more going on here. This is not just another disagreement between old allies and friends -- this is war. No, not a hot war. For now, it's a cold war being fought through proxies -- like Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The US backs Israel and the EU the Palestinians. But, if I know my prophecy, that hot war may not be too far down the road. Here's the situation: When the French EU presidency implemented the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666 in the latter half of 2000, France began not only an EU grab for the Mediterranean region, but an attempt at getting the US out. In plain words, with Recommendation 666, the EU began competing with the US over control of Middle East oil supplies. That, my friend, is what I believe to be behind Chirac's anger and his refusal to meet with Iraq's Allawi. You see, in Chirac's way of thinking, even Iraq may have become a proxy war. Now, not only does America have a permanent foot on the ground in Iraq, the cowboy Bush will have another four years to put it to use against Chirac's illusions of empire. But, like I said, I don't think it wise not to take Chirac's threats seriously. Here's why: The Bible tells us, in the end-times, the Roman Empire will be revived and under the control of 10 kings. After the 10 kings have arrived, a new European leader will rise up among them. On his way to power, he will subdue three of the 10 kings. This new European leader will become the Antichrist of ancient prophecy. The Bible tells us the Antichrist will settle the Israeli/Palestinian dispute by making -- or confirming -- a seven year agreement. He will violate this agreement 3 1/2 years later. The Bible further states that the Antichrist and his 10 kings will then wage war against God's people and defeat them. And, in the end, the Antichrist and his 10 kings will destroy Babylon in one hour with fire. Here, my friend, is where that hot war against American interests might be waged. As I've been reporting at FulfilledProphecy, the stage for these final events of prophecy is now being set. Already the 10 kings may be on the scene. Already a new leader has appeared among these 10 kings and is trying to convince them to give him the power his office was created for. Adding to these events, three of his 10 kings are standing in the way of this new leader receiving his power. On top of that, Arafat is out of his way and soon he will be sending forces under his control into the land of Israel as peacekeepers. And, as it stands now, his new Neighborhood Policy he's negotiating with Israel will have a seven year time period. Not only that, he's to monitor the participating countries and report mid-term. This sounds like it could be the agreement. The facts I'm reporting do bring up some serious questions for us Christians. One: What does all this mean? And two: Why isn't anybody else reporting this? This is what I believe it means: God is giving us and the world fair warning time is short. He doesn't want any to perish. The Bible tells us, in the end-times, all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. That name is Jesus. If you haven't called on Him to save you, now is the time. Why aren't others reporting these events? The only answer I can come up with is, it's because the rapture hasn't happened yet. You see, according to most of our modern prophecy teachers, these events couldn't happen until after the restraining effect of the Church has been removed. For example, when I told the late John Walvoord about the appearance of a 10-nation alliance in Western Europe and the EU's first High Representative, he said these events couldn't have happened. Why? Because he knew the implications. He had thought the rapture would happen first. That's still the way it is. Even now, many will not accept what I'm reporting because they have always been taught the rapture will happen first and they wouldn't be here to see any of these events. Nevertheless, what's happening is happening. And, as long as God allows, I'll be reporting it. 11-05-04