Just as Convention president Válery Giscard d´Estaingt proudly announced an agreement on his new EU constitution had been reached, rebellion suddenly broke. Lead by German Christian Democrat Elmar Brok, the Convention delegates, instead of approving Giscard's final draft constitution as before agreed, divided into sub-groups to discuss ways to change it once again Read about it here. Why? Because they believe Giscard mislead them and his final draft didn't include the things they had all agreed to. In fact, some even believe Giscard had no intention of listening to anything any of the delegates had to say from the very beginning. And, if you've been following my commentaries, you know that's what I've been thinking also. You see, when the rubber meets the road, I believe Giscard is a Councilist and he wants to strengthen the powers of the Council over the Commission. And, according to all accounts, Giscard's new constitution does just that. Unfortunately, there are strong voices in the Convention who want a stronger Commission to balance the greater powers of the Council. And, they thought an agreement had been reached that addressed their concerns. Now, with only days left to complete their work, not only do they find Giscard's constitution failed to address their concerns, they're told there's not enough time for them to change it now. So, instead of doing what they were told, they've rebelled. Now, Giscard may have a problem. You see, Giscard's convention was to complete its work by this Friday so he can deliver the finished constitution to the EU's heads at their summit on June 20th. Here's the question: Will the rebellious delegates really be willing to prevent Giscard's Convention from completing its work on schedule? I think they might. You see, the EUobserver is reporting that Brok, the man who lead the rebellion, thinks it's more important to change the constitution then it is to allow it to be delivered on time. Why? Because, if it remains as it is, Brok says, "we will go in the darkness of the night." So, what do I think will happen this Friday? I think Giscard's constitution will go forward much as is. And, I fear Brok's warning may come true -- Europe will go into the darkness. It will be the EU's Friday the 13th. 06-11-2003