This may be the break we've been waiting for. Thanks to Noah Hutchings interview with Constance Cumbey, a story about Jaiver Solana and Recommendation 666 made the front page of The Canada Free Press Read about it here. The author, Judi McLeod, is the founding editor of this conservative paper. She is also a highly respected, award winning journalist. And by her courageously placing this on the front page, the story could have legs. For me, it couldn't of happened at a better time. You see, I was becoming a bit discouraged. Yesterday I received an email from someone who I highly respect and who's help I value who told me she was banned at another discussion board for defending me. You know, more than anything, this is the type of thing that really hurts me. It seems at times we still would rather shoot the messenger than listen to a message we don't want to hear. I said I'd give her a purple heart if I could find one. But despite all the misunderstandings and sharp words from those we're trying to alert, I think the news about Recommendation 666 and what's going on in the EU is finally going to get out. The Lord is good! 05-06-04