
FulfilledProphecy.Com must be saying something people want to hear. On August 17, I reported 499 average hits per day. Today, January 18, FulfiilledProphecy.Com is averaging 1404 hits per day -- and the number keeps growing.

As I said last August, FulfilledProphecy began as a Christmas gift. I received an envelope with a certificate inside that declared, "You're the proud owner of FulfilledProphecy.Com." And since my book, Recommendation 666, wasn't going anywhere with the publisher, I decided to go ahead and build a Website.

Although FulfilledProphecy began as a way to promote my book, it wasn't the selling of the book that motivated me. If what I had written about turned out to be the actual fulfillment of the prophecies, I knew I had to find a way to get the information out to the public -- one way or another.

Now a year has passed and it looks like the information is finally getting out. Constance Cumbey, the author of the best seller, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, has had me as a guest on her talk radio show the last four weeks in a row. And, she's asked me to be on again next week.

Hal Lindsey has finally written a commentary about Javier Solana that received world-wide attention and a few other Websites have begun mentioning Recommendation 666 and what's going on behind the scenes in the European Union.

So, I want to thank everybody for coming to my site. I also what to thank those of you who have recommended it to others.

If you want to help me get this information out even more, consider buying my book. It's the only way to get the full story in Recommendation 666, and every penny goes to the maintenance of the site and much needed equipment.

However, all that I know will always be provided for free here on FulfilledProphecy.Com

In Christ's love,



Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.