Geo-Peace Zone You might say Spain and Morocco are kissing cousins. Google Earth shows only about nine miles separates these two nations. Evidently, it's this close relationship between Spain and Morocco that may help explain the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations (AOC). About 200 years before Christ Spain became an important part of the Roman Empire and, over the years, Spain even produced three Roman Emperors. But, in the 8th century Spain was invaded from the south by the Moors and, for about five hundred years, Spain was ruled by Muslims. Today, Spain not only has roots that go all the way back to the old Roman Empire, Spain also has a deep cultural connection to the Islamic world. And, with only nine miles of separation between prosperous Spain and the northern tip of Africa, Spain also has a serious immigration problem -- much like the one that exists between the US and Mexico. Once Spain's unique history is understood, Spain's diplomatic style of pursuing foreign policy starts making sense. Nowhere could tensions between two opposing cultures be potentially higher, and nowhere could the art of diplomacy be more required. If you recall, in 1991, it was at the Madrid Conference held in Spain where the Middle East peace process first had its beginning. And, in 1995, it was in Barcelona Spain where the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership For Peace was negotiated and signed. So, it shouldn't surprise us that the UN's AOC is also a thoroughly Spanish proposal. This morning an email was waiting from a friend who had translated an article he found about the AOC on a German Website. According to the article, the AOC is a foreign exchange, from King Juan Carlos, all the way up through the entire Spanish government. Active participants include a theologian known as Leonard Boff, who teaches a "new spirituality," and that humans should seek what he calls a "mirror-image-ritual." Along with the powerful Arab League and an assortment of other Islamic leaders, such as Iran's former President, Mohammed Khatami, the AOC also has the support of important Western leaders, such as Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Spain's Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos and former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez. This brings us to the main point of today's commentary -- geo-peace zones. At a meeting that was called, The Atman [atman: soul, spirit] Encounter 2005, Spain's Foreign Minister, Miguel Moratinos, was reported to have said some things about the AOC that students of Bible prophecy should find very interesting. Spanish minister, Miguel Angel Moratinos, highlighted three strategies for international relations: integration of immigrants by advancing dialogue and fomenting tolerance, among other means; the creation of geopolitical peace zones (in the case of Spain, the Mediterranean area) and, finally, the alliance of civilizations. He described such an alliance as “something that goes beyond simple dialogue and good intentions; something that obliges governments to adopt educational, cultural and social measures.” (http://www.fundacionatman.org/actualidad/noticia_311005_en.htm) As I've been reporting, Moratinos -- the person now calling for another Madrid type conference -- was Javier Solana's personal envoy to the Middle East. And, Solana was the person who successfully negotiated the 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership For Peace (Euromed) -- which I suspect could possibly be the foretold covenant with many (Daniel 9:27). If you recall, starting on January 1, 2007, a new EU funding instrument will kick in that's designed to strengthen -- or confirm -- the Euromed for seven years. Now, let's put this all together. The Spanish government seeks -- starting with the Mediterranean region -- to establish what it calls a "geopolitical peace zone." In time, it wants this peace zone to spread from the Mediterranean and extend globally. Evidently, that's what the UN's AOC is really all about. Stay tuned! 10-07-2006