What Herb thinks
Global Europe

I was talking to Constance Cumbey yesterday. We both are arriving at the same conclusion. The new world order is much farther progressed than God's people realize. And, it's coming complements of the EU's Javier Solana.

My paperback ends with what happened in 2003. The EU heads were in Greece having their June summit. The Western world order was in shambles over the Iraqi war. This was the scene when Javier Solana delivered his new, 10-page security doctrine titled, A Secure Europe In a Better World.

 Solana's paper had three basic parts. It called for establishing economic and political stability in the EU's neighborhood, strengthening the EU's civil and military capabilities, and creating a new world order. It's this last part we should especially notice. Why? Because, it makes Solana's security doctrine global.

The Bush administration has just announced its choice of  John Bolton to be the United State's ambassador to the United Nations. The funny thing is, this is like hiring Jesse James to provide security for our nation's banks. Not only has Bolton loudly opposed many international treaties, such as the one establishing the World Court, he has even questioned the need for having a United Nations in the first place.

Friends, this is the way I see it. As a result of the EU implementing Solana's new security doctrine, we may only have what's left of the Bush presidency before it's all over for us. Global Europe will be here.

Are you ready?

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.