What Herb thinks
Google Book Search

If it wasn't for my friend Constance Cumbey, I'd feel pretty much alone. If you have read my book, Recommendation 666, you know what I mean. It was a call from Constance back in 1999 that gave me the courage to start speaking out about a man by the name of Javier Solana.

Constance called me again this morning. She told me to do a Google book search using the name,  "Javier Solana."  She said I would never believe what I found. She was right. What I saw was hard to believe. Out of 268 books that Google listed, my book, Recommendation 666, was number two. It was second to a book by retired General Wesley K. Clark. (Note: That dosen't mean it's selling. Keep in mind, it's free to read at my Website.)

As I browsed through the listings, I noticed something else -- none of the other books were from a religious point of view. They were all under headings like, Law, Social Science, Political Science, Technology and, like Clark's book, History. In other words, my book was the only one Google listed that looked at Javier Solana from the perspective of Bible prophecy.

You don't know how strange I find this. It's like waking to the realization that you've been left somewhere stranded and alone. Your first thought is, "Where is everybody?"

That's why knowing Constance is there is encouraging. And, even if it turns out the events that we've been reporting about Solana and the European Union aren't fulfillments of Bible prophecy, they nevertheless need to be reported.

So, why haven't they? Where are the other books?

This, I believe, is a serious question.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.