What Herb thinks
Hair of the Dog

Time is the best cure for a hangover. But, human nature is human nature. Instead of allowing God and time to do the healing, we humans are tempted to turn to what caused our problem in the first place for the cure. This remedy is known as The Hair of the Dog. It actually comes from ancient times. The advice was to take a hair of the dog that bit you and place it in the wound. 

Of course, today, we know better. Or, do we? It seems the European Union's (EU) Javier Solana is turning to a man by the name of Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu for help in stopping the so-called "Cartoon Intifada." What does this have to do with the old remedy? Ihsanoglu is the head of  the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). And, according to this eye-opening report Read about it here, the OIC may actually be responsible for the uprising in the first place. In other words, Solana may be turning to the dog that bit him for a cure. 

Solana, of course, would be aware of the possibility. If anyone understands what's going on in this world geo-politically, it's Solana. To my knowledge, there has never been an international player on the scene quite like Solana. Since my discovery of this enigmatic new political figure, I have witnessed one amazing diplomatic score after another. This being the case, I am no longer surprised when there's another. In fact, I've come to expect it.

This brings us to the report about Solana in Egypt Read about it here. Evidently, the Egyptian stop is only part of Solana's new Middle East tour that is specifically directed at addressing the issues of free speech and the sensitivities of Islamic leaders. Friends, once again, I believe the writing may be on the wall. As God's people, we need to not only be aware of where this may be going, we need to be prepared.

Here's why I feel this way. You see, the OIC isn't the only international organization where the religious sensitivities of the Islamic world are being manifested. According to this report  Read about it here, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is also responding to the Cartoon Intifada.

And, this brings us to some other news that may not be so recent, but, as far as expressing my concern, it may be just as important. It's the news about mega-evangelical leader Rick Warren attending the recent meeting of the WEF Read about it here. Also, in a recent interview with Larry King, Warren called certain Islamic leaders at the WEF his friends.

Now, let's put this together. First, let's look again at the situation: The EU's Solana, the man who holds the two offices associated with the number 666, is turning to the same religious leaders who may be responsible for the Cartoon Intifada for its cure. Other international organizations are responding in like manner. Evidently, this response may soon include the United Nations (UN). In the meantime, some of our own evangelical leaders have become involved with these international organizations. Now, what conclusions can we draw? 

In light of the secular world's response to the Cartoon Intifada, I see the religious leaders of all the world's major religions rising to the occasion. If the Islamic leaders can have their seat at the global table, why can't they?

That's why, ultimately, I suspect the UN will provide the table where the world's religious leaders will have their seat. And, one day, according to my understanding of prophecy, a very charismatic figure will appear among them. Under his control, this new religious agency will become drunk with the blood of the saints. And, in the end, these religious leaders will be destroyed by the same secular leader who created them.

So much for the hair of the dog that bit him.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.