What Herb Thinks
A Little Help From My Friends

Recommendation 666 is now a paperback and I don't remember the last time I was this excited. The last two mornings I've rushed to where I'm supposed to be able to see how many books were sold. Unfortuately, for some reason the sales reports aren't available yet. When they are, I'll let everybody know on FulfilledProphecy.Com.

Why are these sales figures important? Let me explain: My publisher, iUniverse, is what is callled a "print on demand" publisher. This means, they print the books as they're ordered.

Although iUniverse is very professional and produce a high quality product, they have a few drawbacks as a print on demand publisher. One of these drawbacks is, unless they decide to become involved, it's up to me to market my book.

What will make them decide to get involved? Sales! If enough of you who come here to FulfilledProphecy.Com buy my book, iUniverse could decide to market it. And, this could place Recommendation 666 in large bookstore chains like Barnes & Noble. In fact, iUniverse has special marketing programs endorsed by Barnes & Noble available.

I think most of you who have been coming to my site know my heart -- I'm not trying to get rich. From the beginning I've always posted the most important information for free on FulfilledProphecy.Com. And, I've never asked for donations or tried to sell anything other than my eBook. As I've said before, my bottom line has always been finding a way to get the information out -- not making money.

However, most of you who come to FulfiiledProphecy.Com are people who understand the possible importance of what I have to say. And my desire is to reach people who don't understand. In fact, I wrote Recommendation 666 with these people in mind.

Here's my point: Just last July I reported 2400 average hits per day. Today that average is already nearing the 5000 mark. So, if everyone of you decide to purchase my new paperback, it could propel Recommendation 666 into all the major bookstores.

In other words, all of us together here on FulfilledProphecy.Com could get this message out to our unbeleiving world in a big way.

Let the end-times begin!



Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.