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Sometimes we must answer our critics. Not so much to defend our position over another, but to provide an answer to our readers. Due to FP's popularity, and as we approach the year 2007, this is especially becoming true. The attacks are apparently beginning. It's being brought to my attention there are some prophecy teachers accusing me of date setting. And, some are accusing me of sensationalism and suggesting that I'm doctrinally unsound. So, I guess it's necessary to respond to their charges. As far as date setting goes, I've found that this accusation almost always will come from a pre-tribulation rapture teacher. Yet, this is something that I'm not doing anymore than the majority of those who believe as they. You see, Jesus not only said it wasn't for us to know the day or hour (Matt. 24: 36), He also said it wasn't for us to know the times or seasons (Acts 1:7). But, as we all know, most modern students of Bible prophecy believe that we're in the season of Christ's return -- even the pre-tribulation rapture believers. In fact, one founder of a popular pre-tribulation Website even created an index to keep track of the signs that they believe indicate the nearness of Christ's return. So, what exactly did Jesus mean? What Jesus was saying is not that we wouldn't recognize the season once it was here, only that we wouldn't know when it would come. In fact, it's my view this is the true meaning of imminency. How about my view that the 70th week of Daniel could start on January 1, 2007? Isn't that date setting? Well, I don't recall anyone accusing me of date setting when I reported that on January 1, 1995, the Western European Union became an alliance of 10 nations. And, I don't recall on October 18, 1999, when Javier Solana became the first Mr. Europe, that anyone accused me of date setting. So, what's the difference of my reporting about the 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace and the New European Neighborhood Policy that's scheduled to begin on January 1, 2007? I believe the only reason some have now started accusing me of date setting is because of the possible implications my reporting may have for their views on the timing of the rapture. What is date setting? Date setting is setting a date for when Christ will rapture His saints. And, according to my pre-wrath view, the rapture will occur at an unknown day and hour. Some say knowing the beginning of the week is date setting because then we will know when Jesus will return to earth at the end of the week. But, they don't stop to think that that would also be true for those who see the Abomination of Desolation in the middle of the week. So, according to the Bible, I'm not guilty of date setting. If I've been guilty of anything, it's not placing my view on the timing of the rapture before everything else. How about all the times in the past that end-times believers pointed to events in their day as possible fulfillments of prophecy and were wrong? Doesn't this damage our credibility? Sure it does. And, if you've read my book, you know that I worry about that too. But, does that mean that I should place my credibility over God's people and remain silent about this news? As I said to someone on our discussion board, perhaps that's why God chose to reveal these things to me. I have no credibility to lose. As far as sensationalism goes, this accusation actually amuses me. By now readers recognize that my reporting -- if anything -- has proven more accurate than most of my accusers. My point is, if all I'm doing is reporting the news, and some see it as sensationalism, then there might be something significant to what I'm reporting. As far as doctrinally unsound goes, I believe the only reason some are accusing me of being doctrinally unsound is because I've come to a different view on the timing of the rapture. The fact is, I probably use the same Scofield study Bible that many of them do. There is one more thing I might mention. Recently I'm being asked, if the 70th week does begin on January 1, 2007, what is it that I expect to see? I'm not expecting to see too much more than what's already there. The agreements that we here at FP have been watching are already signed and ready to go. And, my understanding is the first half of the week will usher in a time of false peace over the Mediterranean region. It's after the middle of the week when the really bad things will begin to happen. There is something, however, that I am watching. I'm watching to see what will happen at the EU's coming December summit. Two very important issues are on their agenda. And, these issues are very much related. The Spanish/French/Italian peace plan will be up for approval by the EU heads. And, there will be urgent discussions concerning the EU's need for a single voice and single energy policy Read about it here. Naturally, secure energy supplies are a big priority. In fact, in his book, Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis, the late John Walvoord actually foresaw that Europe's need for a supply of secure energy would be what brought about the final events of Bible prophecy. This brings up one more question. What happens if January 1 comes and goes and the 70th week doesn't begin as we think possible. It'll mean it didn't --that's all. But, what if it does? Stay tuned! 11-22-2006