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Recently, a friend wrote asking for a list of all the events that are to occur in 2010. You may have noticed it too. As I've been reporting events in the EU, for some reason, the date 2010 keeps popping up. After responding to my friend, I realized others might be interested too. So, here is what I said: While researching the subject you mentioned, I began to wonder why the date 2010 kept coming up. Here is what I found. It seems 2010 may be an important date for the EU. This is the date they want their Euro-Med free trade zone established. And, interestingly, 2010 is also their goal for having serious military capabilities fully operational. In 1999, at Helsinki, the EU heads established their first Helsinki Headline Goal 2003. Solana, evidently, was installed in 1999 to meet these military goals, and that is what's behind the events recorded in my book. In 2004, the EU heads added the creation of battle groups and other assets to Solana's basket and extended the Helsinki Headline Goal to 2010. Looking back, it now appears Solana may have been tasked with implementing a 10-year military build-up plan, to be completed by 2010, the same year when his Euro-Med project is to be completed. So, 2010 is an important date. When we compare what's going on in Europe to Scripture, it's hard not to think that what we're witnessing is the fulfillment of end-time Bible prophecy. However, we must remember, God's people have jumped the gun on this before. No matter how sure we think we are, we could end up being wrong. But, that doesn't mean we should stop watching. An interesting thread was started on our discussion board. It was about the EU's next seven-year budget period and its possible connection to Daniel's 70th week. I couldn't resist jumping in. And, since some of what I said may apply here, I'll share it: If 2007-2013 is the 70th week of Daniel, then we know that in the middle of the week -- sometime in 2010 -- the AC will put a stop to the sacrifice and grain offering. This seems to imply a restarting of the Jewish temple services. So, I'm watching for some kind of political movement concerning solving the temple mount problem. If we see that, we will have very sound biblical support for the 2007-2013 date ... So, I think we need to be watching the temple mount issue. If that also falls in line, we got some solid reasons to expect our Lord's soon return. Friends, this is all I'm saying: No matter how the events before us may appear, we need to keep our eyes on God's word. If these events are the fulfillments of the end-time prophecies, they'll continuing going in that direction. If not, they won't. In the meantime, we need to stay busy doing what we're really here for -- baring fruit for our Lord's kingdom. This we know for sure: He's coming! 04-12-05