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A big question in evangelical circles today is where is Mystery Babylon. The New Testament book of Revelation tells us, in the end-times, a false religious system will appear along with the Antichrist. And, this false religious system will dominate the whole earth. The Apostle John said: I saw a women sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, and upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Revelation 17: 3-5 New American Standard Bible). Since the Bible often equates the demonic seduction of false religion to that of an immoral woman, it is commonly believed this woman riding a beast is a false religion system. But, it is not just another cult among many. This false religion will grow to dominate the whole earth. And, it will have power to persecute God's people. John went on to say: And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I wondered greatly (Revelation 17:6). Just who is this false religion? Many Protestants say it is the Roman Catholic Church. That's because the Bible tells us the woman sits on seven mountains, or hills (Revelation 17:9). And, the city of Rome sits on seven hills. In fact, in John's day there were even Roman coins circulating that had these seven hills depicted representing Rome. But if you look at the Scripture a little more closely, you find that the seven mountains also represented kings -- five of which had already fallen in John's day, and two that would someday come (Revelation 17:10). Here's what I think: This end-times false religious system will not only include the Roman Catholic Church, it will also include all the world's major religions -- including America's Protestant churches. Now this brings us to the point of my writing. If the kingdom of the Antichrist is now appearing in the form of the European Union, then we know this wicked lady is not far behind. In other words, I fear she could already be among us, and we don't yet recognize her. Too often we point our finger at others, failing to see the danger within. And according to the Apostle John, what should most concern us are the hidden dangers within. John said: Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen, from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of us ... (1 John 2:18-19). Recently I ran across a Website in the UK called Banner Ministries Banner Ministries. I have posted a permanent link to it under the heading "Apostasy." My reason for doing this is because the owner of this site is drawing attention to a very dangerous apostasy that is now rapidly spreading throughout our evangelical community. And, it appears these doctrines of demons may even be infecting some of our most popular and respected leaders. If so, we truly are in the end-times. Stay tuned! 02-05-04