Is Germany's parliamentarian Ilka Schroeder a student of Bible prophecy?
Listen to what this thinking lady has to say about the EU's real intentions
in the Middle East:
For me it is obvious that the Middle East has become one of the most important fields of European military superpower ambitions (Read about it here). The primary goal of the EU is the internationalization of the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict in order to underline the need for its own mediating role. The longer the conflict continues and the deeper it gets, the more evident is the incapability of the U.S. to moderate the peace process. The need for a solution only exists as long as war continues. This is why the EU does not want the conflict to end before it gains [a] major role. The EU is ... stirring up conflict that it supposedly wants to see resolved by financing one side. Now Ilka Schroeder explosively drives home her point: The Palestinians are playing the ugly role of cannon fodder of Europe's
hidden war against the U.S.
Wow! Does Schroeder know about the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666? Has she read my book or visited FulfilledProphecy.Com? I don't think so. I think the truth is the new political reality evolving in Europe is becoming so obvious that even unbelievers are beginning to see the writing on the wall. The fact is, the red dragon of Revelation 12 is reviving. And, just as foretold its heading -- 10 horns and all -- in the direction of the Middle East. Schrodeder calls it the EU's "hidden war." Yet the Bible revealed this revival of the old Roman Empire we're seeing today thousands of years ago. Bible prophecy truly is, as the Apostle Peter says, "A lamp shining in a dark place" (2 Peter 1:19). Funny, isn't it? Now even unbelievers are beginning to see it and speak out. But, still so few of our evangelical leaders are seeing it. Or if they are, they sure aren't saying anything. Makes you wonder what's wrong. Stay tuned! 01-03-2004