What Herb thinks
History's Final Days

A couple questions came in about my last commentary. The first asks what I meant when I said:

I know, I've been on my soapbox lately. But, that's because the question remains -- why have Constance Cumbey (she sent this info) and I been almost alone reporting these events. What really bugs me is when some ministry uses the information and puts their pre-tribulation spin on it. Why does this bug me? Because, the question never seems to come up where these people have been. Like I keep saying, something is very wrong in Evangelicaland. And, by now we should all know what it is -- it's the pre-tribulation doctrine. It has blinded many of us at a very dangerous time in history. It's time that we admit it.

Ever since I wrote those clumsy words, I've worried about how they could be taken. The last thing I wanted to say is that I didn't want other ministries who believed differently on the timing of the rapture to use information gleaned from FulfilledProphecy. Biblically sound people can believe different on the rapture issue. And, if we belong to Jesus we're on the same team. But, when I see these ministries promote the pre-tribulation doctrine as a proven fact, this bothers me (shouldn't have said bugs). The pre-tribulation doctrine is not a fact, it's only a theory. And, to suggest any different, in light of this information, may be especially misleading. 

The second question is a request to explain a little more in detail about the prophetic implications of the so-called NATO-EU-UN Triangle. See below:

My co-reporter Constance Cumbey found this information. The above presentation was given by Lieutenant General Dr. Klaus Olshausen on November 1, 2005. Evidently, Olshausen is German Military Representative to NATO, the Western European Union (WEU) and the European Union (EU). His subject is of special interest to those who have read my book. You see, Olshausen took his three hatted post on October 1, 2000. This was during the chapter in my book titled, Solana's Cool Coup -- shortly after adoption of Recommendation 666.

I'm intrigued by this presentation for two primary reasons. One: It shows how Javier Solana's own people interpret the new geo-political reality that's been created since Recommendation 666. As you know, the huge web of interlinking government and private agencies that exist today are hard to understand.

And two: What's being presented by Olshausen fits perfectly with my understanding of end-time prophecy. It shows a single Office within a new10-nation power base in Europe that sees itself set to exercise power globally.

In other words, the so-called "Geostrategic Triangle" that appears in Olshausen's presentation may literally be our first real peek at what's to shortly become the end-time New World Order.

And, as I write President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Olmert have just finished their Washington press conference. Olmert says -- this time with Bush looking on -- it will all be over in one way or another in three to four years. Olmert was referring to Israel's final borders.

Friends, what I believe this all means is we could be staring into history's final days.

Stay tuned! 

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.