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There's something going on here. And, I suspect we may know what it is. If the 10 Western European Union nations are to become the 10 kings of end-times Bible prophecy, sooner of later we're going to see three leaders from these 10 nations somehow removed, or subdued. And that may be what is now happening. In the book of Daniel we read: After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts (New American Standard Bible). There has been much speculation about the meaning "pulled out by the roots." But, in my opinion, it simply means the replacement of three leaders. One reason I believe this is because later an angel tells Daniel these three kings are "subdued" (Daniel 7:24). And another reason I believe this, in Revelation chapter 17 we find the Antichrist still has his 10-king alliance to wage his 3 1/2 year war against the Lamb. Tomorrow the so-called "big three" -- Britain, France and Germay -- will be having their summit. They say the main reason is to revamp the EU Commission. But, few EU observers are falling for that line. The real issue on the their agenda is their newly formed defense alliance Read about it here. Another matter of concern is what to do about Javier Solana. His term is due to expire later this year and the EU's super Foreign Minister isn't due on the scene for a number of years. Their answer? Extend Solana's term indefinitely. They also want to give Solana's office expanded powers. The expanded powers will come from merging Chris Patten's office in the Commission with Solana's office. This is interesting because with Patten's powers Solana will become the main principle and signatory in any new security agreement with Israel. But wait a minute! Some of the smaller EU states don't trust what the big three are doing. They fear some kind of three-way directoire is emerging. In other words, they suspect the big three may be trying to take over the EU. Here's what I think: I think elements in the WEU alliance may now be taking control of the Commisssion in the same way they took over the Council back in 2000. Back to the horn pulling. It turns out three EU states are the most concerned about this. They are Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. And guess what? All three are members of the 10-nation WEU alliance Read about it here. Question: When the smoke settles from whatever the big three are up to at tomorrow's summit, will we see the leaders of Spain, Italy and the Netherlands standing on the outside? Is this horn pulling time? Stay tuned. 02-17-04