Three years ago, my dad ran across a letter by Corrie ten Boom and put up a permanent link to it on his front page. Read the letter here. In it, this godly woman -- who had endured a Nazi concentration camp because of her Christian faith -- gives advice to Christians on preparing themselves for the Great Tribulation. I just reread the letter last night and thought it is so pertinent to the news being reported here at FP that I wanted to draw attention to it for those who haven't read it yet. One piece of advice Corrie ten Boom gives stood out to me: In the coming persecution we must be ready to help each other and encourage each other. But we must not wait until the tribulation comes before starting. The fruit of the Spirit should be the dominant force of every Christian's life. That is my heart for the FP community -- that the board be a place where Christians grow in, and exhibit, tender love for each other. And that we encourage one another because we need it. Corrie ten Boom's letter is a must-read for all Christians who face
tribulation -- whether the Great (end-times) Tribulation, the tribulation
that believers around the world already face in countries where they are
persecuted for their faith, or tribulation in our personal lives and ministries.