What Herb thinks
I'm Back

It's strange readjusting to home again. I woke up last night and didn't know where I was. Speaking for The Prophecy Club is not for the uncommitted. And although I still haven't completely recovered from the tour, I'm glad I went. I wish to thank Stan and Bentley Johnson for making a grueling schedule a pleasant and worthwhile experience.

For those who have missed my commentaries, I want you to know that my time away has been very profitable. Besides possibly opening new doors to the message, I understand some things far better now than when I left.

I don't believe we can over emphasize the urgency of getting this information out. Time is much shorter than people think. Those who say we won't be here, or that the final events of end-time prophecy are still a ways down the road, are very wrong.

According to my information, we could already be in the 70th week of Daniel. It may have begun on January 1, 2007. And as I write, the international stage is being set for a war against the saints to begin sometime in 2010. If it goes as planned, it will begin over the Euro-Mediterranean region and, if successful, spread globally.

The US and the EU have entered into a strategic partnership to fight the war against terror together and establish a new security structure over the Middle East. Although details are secret, some elements of the arrangement are now becoming apparent. 

My concern is for God's people. Like everyone else, we have been kept in the dark. And, I suspect the reason for the secrecy on the European side of the Atlantic may be dangerously different from that on the American side.

It's become my belief that both the US and the EU are working together to create a new international order out of the United Nations and NATO. The only question is, who will control it. Will it be America or Europe? And, the Bible tells us it will be Europe.

It's time for us to pull together. I need everyone's help getting this information out. If you are a pastor, or in a leadership position, and are interested in more information, please contact me. I can't do this alone.

Staying tuned.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.